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My Mission 

To be a conduit for more light in the world, and to advance freedom and peace in the hearts and minds of those I have the privilege to serve.

My Work

Whenever we are seeking to heal and overcome our personal life challenges, our task is to go within and discover all that is not real about ourselves, so we can remove it to reveal what is true.


In order to achieve this great work, we need to understand one of the biggest obstacles to our healing and evolution is unrecognised, unacknowledged, and unprocessed trauma, along with the multilayered, convoluted belief systems we hold within our own psyches. Those we ourselves constructed to try and make sense of the world and our experiences within it, and those we inherited from a minefield of pre-existing expectations, teachings, doctrines, and worldviews.


Ultimately, the goal of any authentic healing endeavor is to bring ourselves ever closer to that which is our purest essence, and into right relationship with our truest nature, and the Divine. 

Over the years of my own personal growth and healing journey, coupled with ongoing education and training as an Alternative Therapist and Healing Practitioner, my knowledge and understanding of what it is to be human and what it means to heal has grown exponentially. I bring a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience to my clients and my practice. 


I am a qualified Compassion Key Therapist, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, and Therapeutic Tarot Practitioner. I am also trained in several other modalities that I use interchangeably where needed with The Compassion Key, which is at the Heart of all my work. 


I truly believe we can heal anything. It is only a matter of discovering what lies in the way of our being the fullest, most optimal expression of ourselves, and clearing it to reveal what I call, 'The Golden Self.'


This may sound simplistic but I can tell you, it is real, and it is possible. Not only possible, but inevitable if you are willing to engage fully with yourself, with the process of healing, and with the greater forces of Life.

Specialty Areas

Childhood Trauma 

& Inner Child Healing

Family of Origin Work



Complex PTSD

Religious/Spiritual Trauma

Unresolved Grief

General Life Challenges

Therapeutic Tarot

"To truly heal and fully know ourselves, we have to stop relating to ourselves as only what we see reflected in the mirror"

My Approach

As a Holistic Therapist and Practitioner, I work integratively with the                                of

what it is to be human.









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The Greater Soul Self


It's this inclusive approach that brings about the most potent of outcomes for those seeking healing and transformation, to grow spiritually, and to step more fully into their lives free from the programming and conditioning of the past. 


When I’m working with clients, my function is primarily to create a safe container that will hold and facilitate you, and provide the right processes and tools for you, so you can do the work to heal yourself. 


As I was working to heal myself, I learned that no one could do that for me. It was solely my responsibility. I was, as is true for all of us, the only one who could do it.


My work is steeped in grounded spirituality. I do not subscribe to any one system of belief, rather I understand we are each in a uniquely personal relationship with 'Life,' with the capacity to connect with the Divine, free from any ascribed dogma or teaching.


We each travel through life having a singular experience, while also being part of the whole. They can't be separated. The mantra, 'We are all one,' does not supersede the sacred sojourn of the single one.

Would you like a free 15-minute call to discuss if this work would suit you?

Lynette can also be contacted via FB Messenger, or by emailing your phone number and details using the contact button.

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